“Good Morning, Grapes!” Written and Illustrated by Kimba Burton. Copyright 2020 ©

This book is a UV-coated hardcover picture book printed on 8.5-inch x 8.5-inch glossy paper, with 27 pages, excluding the cover and back cover. 

“Good Morning, Grapes!” is my first children’s picture book that I have both illustrated and written!



“On a sunny farm, there lives a family of grapes; Grandpa Grape, Grandma Grape, Brother Grape, Sister Grape, and Baby Grape! The little grapes play outside and learn that they can have lots of fun, rain or shine! (And all just in time for cookies and a nice nap!)”

                                         Assorted Pages From “Good Morning, Grapes”


Send me an email! artbykimba@gmail.com

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